Wolverhampton Wednesday

The Wolverhampton Wednesday social netball league is now off until Wednesday 10th January. Please make sure you put this date in your diary as the league will resume as per the fixtures listed online!Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and we will see you back on court in 2024!The l...
Wolverhampton Wednesday Social Netball Update 13th December
A good night in the Wolverhampton Wednesday social netball league held at WV Active although unfortunately Wolfy Divas turned up at an incorrect time as they were following an old fixture list. Please can all teams make sure that they follow the fixtures which are live on our website as these will n...
Wolverhampton Wednesday Social Netball update 6th December
The Wolverhampton Wednesday Netball League continues to offer thrilling action and exceptional performances, as evidenced by the results of week 3. However, we would like to remind all players to ensure they are wearing appropriate footwear as we had a few minor injuries this week due to slipping on...
Wolverhampton Wednesday Social Netball 29th November
The second week of the Wolverhampton Wednesday night social netball league took place last night and once again a great time was had.We did see a few new faces this week which was very pleasing, however, there were a few teams who were stuggling for numbers and we would like to thank all ladies who...
Wolverhampton Wednesday Night Netball - Week 1
The opening night in the WV Active Wolverhampton Wednesday netball league got underway yesterday evening and what a great turn out it was.We had lots of fun, giggles, laughs, made new friends and we all exercised without even realising it!We know a couple of teams were short last night, du...