Ball Busters went head to head with On The Attack. Despite Ball Busters' relentless efforts, On The Attack triumphed with a score of 12-5, solidifying their position at the pinnacle of the league standings.
The intensity didn't end there, as Pass Masters grappled with Cherry Bombs in a dazzling display of agility and strategy. Cherry Bombs stunned their opponents with their precision, taking home a 13-7 victory. Pass Masters, however, didn't leave the court empty-handed. Tara Fulford, the league's most valued player, showcased a remarkable performance that not only left spectators in awe but also proved pivotal for their team.
Fulford's exceptional gameplay was the highlight of the night. Her agility, speed, and precision on the field were a sight to behold. Her performance undoubtedly made the Pass Masters proud and placed her on the map as a serious contender in the league.