In a thrilling showdown of week seven of the Kenilworth Sunday Night Netball League, we saw three thrilling games occur...
The Cherry Bombs clashed against And Bringing Up The Rear, in what was an electrifying game, ultimately ending in a score of 6-10. Despite the Cherry Bombs' loss, their star player, Sally Thatcher, stood out, earning herself the title of Most Valued Player of the week.
The Goal Diggers, managed to notch a victory against the Bellestars, with a score of 17-2. Both teams played an exceptional game with the Goal Diggers coming out on top.
The Pink Parrots, on the other hand, also stole the win on the court, outplaying Sparta with a 27-11 victory. Again both teams showed their mettle in this great battle.
These dynamic games have reshaped the leader board in the Kenilworth Sunday Netball League, with the Pink Parrots, Goal Diggers, and And Bringing Up The Rear coming away with the points. As we look forward to the upcoming matches, the heat is on for the teams...
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