June 27th 2024

Charlbury Wednesday Night Netball - Week 7

In the thrilling week 7 of the Charlbury Wednesday Night Netball, the competition was intense. 

Headlining the action was the face-off between the Pocket Rockets and Ball Saints, where the Ball Saints secured a 12-3 victory.

In another exhilarating match, the Sky Shooters clashed with SHOOT FOR THE STARS. Despite a valiant effort from the Shooters, SHOOT FOR THE STARS proved their mettle by securing a 10-3 triumph.

CHARLBURY SHOOTERS also had their share of the spotlight with a match against Netchicks. Despite a 7-1 defeat, CHARLBURY SHOOTERS' Fiona Dangerfield distinguished herself with an exceptional performance earning her the title of Most Valued Player for the week.

Charlbury Wednesday League has indeed ramped up the excitement with these intense match-ups. As we look forward to the next week, the teams are undoubtedly gearing up to bring their best to the court. 

Join the Charlbury Wednesday Social Netball League here or call us on 01926 674 440 for more information

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