About Us

About Us

Our aim at youplaynetball is to empower women by getting ladies engaged in physical activity, back to socialising and building a lasting confidence that  will be used and seen in their every day lives. We know that by playing a sport you used to enjoy, however many years ago that might be will not only bring back the fond memories, but it will bring you back all of the sensations and enjoyment that you used to feel during those childhood years and…. It beats being in the gym!

We want as many ladies as possible to play netball and here are just some of the reasons, besides our vast experience - and unwavering commitment to service - why you should choose us:

We Encourage ALL Abilities

You don’t have to be an expert to play as we cater for all abilities!

We Do All The Work

All you need to do is turn and we’ll do the rest.

Great Value For Money

We have the best equipment, the best sports halls and the best umpires.

The Strongest Discipline

We don’t allow the eye rollers, the muttering under the breath towards players and umpires. We operate our events for the enjoyment of everyone who participates, players and umpires. We operate to the highest standards and this is a huge part of our company ethos.

You Can Play All Year Round!

One season ends, the next starts the following week so you can play all year round. 


We offer not only the highest quality medals for our Winners, Runners up and players of the match. But all of our teams get automatically entered in to our prize draw which is held quarterly and can be watched across players lounges!.